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Types of kūmara

Kaipara Kūmara grow 4 main types of kūmara - red, gold, orange and purple. Each has its own distinctive colour and subtle flavour differences. 

Red Kumara

Red Kūmara 


is the most recognised kūmara in NZ with a distinctive red skin, a creamy white firm textured flesh. 

Orange Kumara

Orange Kūmara (Beauregard)

has a rich orange flesh and is the sweetest of the three main varieties of kūmara. 

Gold Kumara

Gold Kūmara

(Toka Toka)

has a golden skin and flesh and a sweeter taste than red kūmara. Try in a creamy chicken curry.

Purple Kumara

Purple Dawn

is a newer variety, bred by Plant & Food NZ. They have a purple skin & flesh, not as sweet as other varieties.

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